Peer review journal articles
Pizarro, D.M., Zarza, R., Boggiano, P., Cadenazzi, M, Picasso, V.D 2024. Botanical composition gradients in silvopastoral systems on temperate native grasslands of Uruguay. Agroforestry Systems.
Picasso, V & Pizarro, D. 2024. Silvopastoral transitions in Latin America: toward diverse perennial systems. Agroforestry Systems.
Shoenberger, E.D., Jungers, J.M., Law, E.P., Keene, C.L., DiTommaso, A., Sheaffer, C.C., Wyse, D.L., and Picasso, V.D., Stoltenberg, D.E. 2023. Synthetic auxin herbicides do not injure intermediate wheatgrass or affect grain yield. Weed Technology 37: 560–568.
Poudel, K., Sheaffer, C., Jungers, J.M., Weihs, B.J., Lamb, J.F.S., Bauder, S., Picasso, V., Heuschele, J., Xu, Z. 2023. Quantifying winter survival of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Agronomy Journal 116(1), 170-179.
Ashworth, A.J., Marshall, L., Volenec, J.J., Casler, M.D., Berti, M.T., van Santen, E., Williams, C.L., Gopakumar, V., Foster, J.L., Propst, T., Picasso, V.D., and Su, J. 2023. Framework to Develop an OpenSource Forage Data Network to Improve Primary Productivity and Enhance System Resiliency. Agronomy Journal 115, 3062–3073.
DeHaan, L.R., Anderson, J.A., Bajgain, P., Basche, A., Cattani, D.J., Crain, J., Crews, T.E., David, C., Duchene, O., Gutknecht, J. and Hayes, R.C., Hui, F., Jungers, J.M., Knudsen, S., Kong, W., Larson, S., Lundquist, P.O., Luo, G., Miller, A.J., Nabukalu, P., Newell, M.T., Olsson, L., Palmgren, M., Paterson, A.H., Picasso, V.D., Poland, J.A., Sacks, E.J., Wang, S., Westerberg, A. 2023. Discussion: Prioritize perennial grain development for sustainable food production and environmental benefits. Science of The Total Environment p.164975.
Culman, S., Pinto, P., Pugliese, J., Crews, T., DeHaan, L., Jungers, J., Larsen, J., Ryan, M., Schipanski, M., Sulc, M., Wayman, S., Wiedenhoeft, M., Stoltenber, D., & Picasso, V. 2023. Forage harvest management impacts “Kernza” intermediate wheatgrass productivity across North America. Agronomy Journal 115, 2424–2438.
Locatelli, A., Gutierrez, L., Duchene, O., Speranza, P. R., and Picasso, V. D. 2023. Agronomic assessment of two populations of intermediate wheatgrass—Kernza® (Thinopyrum intermedium) in temperate South America. Grassland Research 1(4), 262–278.
Pinto, P., Cartoni-Casamitjana, S., Cureton, C., Stevens, A.W., Stoltenberg, D.E., Zimbric, J. and Picasso, V.D. 2022. Intercropping legumes and intermediate wheatgrass increases forage yield, nutritive value, and profitability without reducing grain yields. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6:977841.
Price, J. H., Van Tassel, D. L., Picasso, V. D., and Smith, K. P. 2022. Assessing phenotypic diversity in silflower (Silphium integrifolium Michx.) to identify traits of interest for domestication selection. Crop Science 62, 1443– 1460.
Picasso, V. D., Berti, M., Cassida, K., Collier, S., Fang, D., Finan, A., Krome, M., Hannaway, D., Lamp, W., Stevens, A. W., and Williams, C. 2022. Diverse perennial circular forage systems are needed to foster resilience, ecosystem services, and socioeconomic benefits in agricultural landscapes. Grassland Research 1( 2), 123– 130.
Wiesner, S., Duff, A.J., Niemann, K., Desai, A.R., Crews, T.E., Picasso, V.D., Riday, H., and Stoy, P.C. 2022. Growing season carbon dynamics differ in intermediate wheatgrass monoculture versus biculture with red clover. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 323, 109062.
Locatelli, A., L. Gutierrez, and V.D. Picasso. 2022. Vernalization requirements of Kernza intermediate wheatgrass. Crop Science 62, 524–535.
Olugbenle, O., P. Pinto, & V.D. Picasso. 2021. Optimal Planting Date of Kernza Intermediate Wheatgrass Intercropped with Red Clover. Agronomy 11, 2227.
Franco J.G., M.T. Berti, J.H. Grabber, J.R. Hendrickson, C.C. Nieman, P. Pinto, D. Van Tassel, and V. Picasso. 2021. Ecological Intensification of Food Production by Integrating Forages (Review). Agronomy 11, 2580.
Waldron, B.L., K.B. Jensen, M.D. Peel, and V.D. Picasso. 2021. Breeding for Resilience to Water Deficit and Its Predicted Effect on Forage Mass in Tall Fescue. Agronomy 11, 2094.
Heineck G.C., B. Schlautman, E. Law, M.R. Ryan, J.W. Zimbric, V. Picasso, D.E. Stoltenberg, C.C. Sheaffer, J.M. Jungers. 2021. Intermediate wheatgrass seed size and moisture dynamics inform grain harvest timing. Crop Science 62, 410–424.
Pinto, P., De Haan, L., and V. Picasso. 2021. Post-Harvest Management Practices Impact on Light Penetration and Kernza Intermediate Wheatgrass Yield Components. Agronomy 2021, 11, 442.
Sanford, G.R., R. Jackson, E. Booth, J.L. Hedtcke, and V. Picasso. 2021. Perenniality and diversity drive output stability and resilience in a 26-year cropping systems experiment. Field Crops Research 263: 108071.
Orcasberro M.S., C. Loza, J. Gere, P. Soca, V. Picasso, and L. Astigarraga. 2021. Seasonal Effect on Feed Intake and Methane Emissions of Cow–Calf Systems on Native Grassland with Variable Herbage Allowance. Animals 11, 882.
Duchene, O., B. Dumont, D. Cattani, L. Fagnant, B. Schlautman, L. R. DeHaan, S. Barriball, J. Jungers, V. Picasso, C. David, F. Celette. 2021. Process-based analysis of Thinopyrum intermedium phenological development highlights the importance of dual induction for reproductive growth and agronomic performance. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology. Vol 301–302, 108341.
Ivancic, K., A. Locatelli, W. Tracy, and V. Picasso. 2021. Kernza Intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) response to a range of vernalization conditions. Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences. 10.1139/CJPS-2020-0251
Zimbric, J.W., D. Stoltenberg, V. Picasso. 2020. Strategies to reduce plant height in dual-use intermediate wheatgrass cropping systems. Agronomy Journal 2021;1−11.
Sakiroglu, M., Dong, C., Hall, M.B., Jungers, J. and Picasso, V. 2020. How does nitrogen and forage harvest affect belowground biomass and non‐structural carbohydrates in dual use Kernza intermediate wheatgrass? Crop Science 2020; 1-12. DOI:10.1002/csc2.20239
Zimbric, J.W., D. Stoltenberg, V. Picasso. 2020. Effective weed suppression in dual-use intermediate wheatgrass systems. Agronomy Journal 1– 12. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20194
Darre, E., E. Llanos, Astigarraga, M. Cadenazzi, V. Picasso. 2020. Do pasture-based mixed dairy systems with higher milk production have lower environmental impacts? A Uruguayan case study. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. DOI: 10.1080/00288233.2020.1750433
Siri-Prieto, G., O. Ernst, M. Bustamante, Picasso. 2020. Impact of nitrogen and phosphorous on biomass yield, nitrogen efficiency, and nutrient removal of perennial grasses for bioenergy. Biomass and Bioenergy 136: 105526. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2020.10552
Favre, J.R., T. Munoz Castiblanco, D.K. Combs, M.A. Wattiaux, and V.D. Picasso. 2019. Forage nutritive value and predicted fiber digestibility of Kernza intermediate wheatgrass in monoculture and in mixture with red clover during the first production year. Animal Feed Science and Technology 258, 114298 DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2019.114298
Modernel, P., V. Picasso, M. Do Carmo, W. A. H. Rossing, M. Corbeels, P. Soca, S. Dogliotti, P. Tittonell. 2019. Grazing management for more resilient mixed livestock farming systems on native grasslands of southern South America. Grass and Forage Science 2019; 00:1–14. DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12445
Lanker, M., M. Bell, and V. Picasso. 2019. Farmer perspectives and experiences introducing the novel perennial grain Kernza Intermediate wheatgrass in the US Midwest. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 1900031: 1-10.
Picasso, V., M. Casler, D. Undersander. 2019. Resilience, Stability, and Productivity of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Cultivars in Rainfed Regions of North America. Crop Science. 59:1–11. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.06.0372
Favre, J.R., K. A. Albrecht, L. Gutierrez, and V. Picasso. 2019. Harvesting oat forage at late heading increases milk production per unit of area. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management 5:180046 doi:10.2134/cftm2018.06.0046
Darre, E., M. Cadenazzi, S. R. Mazzilli, J. F. Rosas, V. Picasso. 2018. Environmental impacts on water resources from summer crops in rainfed and irrigated systems. Journal of Environmental Management 232:514-522.
Modernel, P., S. Dogliotti, S. Alvarez, M. Corbeels, V. Picasso, P. Tittonell, W.A. Rossing. 2018. Identification of beef production farms in the Pampas and Campos area that stand out in economic and environmental performance. Ecological Indicators 89:755-770
Bresciano, D., A. del Pino, A. Borges, M. Tejera, P. Speranza, L. Astigarraga, V. Picasso. 2018. Perennial C4 grasses increase root biomass and carbon in sown temperate pastures. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. Doi: 10.1080/00288233.2018.1504089
Llanos, E., L. Astigarraga, V. Picasso. 2018. Energy and economic efficiency in grazing dairy systems under alternative intensification strategies. European Journal of Agronomy 92: 133-140
Cruz, G., W. Baethgen, D. Bartaburu, M. Bidegain, A. Giménez, M. Methol, H. Morales, V. Picasso, G. Podesta, R. Taddei, R. Terra, G. Tiscornia, M. Vinocur. 2017. Thirty years of multi-level processes for adaptation of livestock production to droughts in Uruguay. Weather, Climate, and Society 10:59-74
Pischke, C.; J. L. Knowlton; C.C. Phifer; J. Gutierrez Lopez; T.S. Propato; A. Eastmond; T. Martins de Souza; M. Kuhlberg; V. Picasso; S. R. Veron; C. Garcia; M. Chiappe; K. E. Halvorsen. 2017. Barriers and Solutions to Conducting Large International, Interdisciplinary Research Projects. Journal of Environmental Management 60 (6): 1011-1021
Cruz, G., R. Guevara, R. Terra, V. Picasso, and L. Astigarraga. 2017. Información y servicios climáticos para la toma de decisiones desde la perspectiva del Centro Interdisciplinario de Respuesta al Cambio y la Variabilidad Climática. INTERdisciplina CIICH. UNAM. Mexico. Vol 5 (13):101-122.
Picasso, V. 2017. The “biodiversity – ecosystem function debate”: an interdisciplinary dialogue between Ecology, Agriculture and Agroecology. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 42(3):264-273.
Halty, V., M. Valdés, M. Tejera, V. Picasso, H. Fort. 2017. Modelling plant interspecific interactions from experiments of perennial crop mixtures to predict optimal combinations. Ecological Applications 27(8):2277 – 2289. doi: 10.1002/eap.1605.
Bussoni, A., J. Alvarez, F. Cubbage, G. Ferreira, V. Picasso. 2017. Diverse strategies for integration of forestry and livestock production. Agroforestry Systems. doi:10.1007/s10457-017-0092-7
Van Tassel, D., K. Albrecht, JD Bever, AA. Boe, Y. Brandvain, T.E. Crews, M. Gansberger, P. Gerstberger, L. González-Paleo, B.S. Hulke, N.C. Kane, P.J. Johnson, E.G. Pestsova, V. Picasso, J.R. Prasifka, DA. Ravetta, B. Schlautman, C.C. Sheaffer, K.P. Smith, P.R. Speranza, M. K. Turner, A.E Vilela, P. von-Gehren, and C. Weaver. 2017. Accelerating Silphium domestication: an opportunity to develop new crop ideotypes and breeding strategies informed by multiple disciplines. Crop Science 57:1274-1284
Picasso, V., D. Schaefer, P. Modernel, L. Astigarraga. 2017. Ecological intensification of beef grazing systems. Grassland Science Europe 22: 218-220.
Modernel, P. W. Rossing, M. Corbeels, S. Dogliotti, V. Picasso, P. Tittonel. 2016. Land use change and ecosystem service provision in Pampas and Campos grasslands of southern South America. Environmental Research Letters 11 (2016) 113002.
Tejera, M., P. Speranza, L. Astigarraga, and V. Picasso. Inclusion of two warm-season grasses in a cool-season grass-legume mixture: effects on forage biomass, soil cover, stability and competition. Grass and Forage Science 71: 575-583
Halvorsen, K., J. L. Knowlton, A. S. Mayer, C. C. Phifer, T. Martins, E. C. Pischke, T. S. Propato, P. Cavigliasso, C. Garcia, M. Chiappe, A. Eastmond, J. Licata, M. Kuhlberg, R. Medeiros, V. Picasso, G. Mendez, P. Primo, A. Frado, S. Veron, J. L. Dunn. 2015. A case study of strategies for fostering international, interdisciplinary research. J. of Environmental Studies and Sciences 6:313-323
Picasso, V., P. Modernel, G. Becoña, L. Salvo, L. Gutiérrez, L. Astigarraga. 2014. Sustainability of meat production beyond carbon footprint: a synthesis of case studies from grazing systems in Uruguay. Meat Science 98: 346–354.
Cruz, G., W. Baethgen, V. Picasso, R. Terra. 2014. Análisis de sequías agronómicas en dos regiones ganaderas de Uruguay. Agrociencia (Uruguay) 18 1:126-132.
Becoña, G., L. Astigarraga, V. Picasso. 2014. Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Cow-calf grazing Systems in Uruguay. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 3, No. 2; ISSN 1927-0518.
Lizarralde, C., V. Picasso, A. Rotz, M. Cadenazzi, L. Astigarraga. 2014. Practices to Reduce Milk Carbon Footprint on Grazing Dairy Farms in Southern Uruguay: Case Studies. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 3, No. 2; ISSN 1927-0518
Llanos, E., L. Astigarraga, R. Jacques, & V. Picasso. 2013. Eficiencia energética en sistemas lecheros del Uruguay. Agrociencia (Uruguay) 17(2):99-109
Modernel, P., L. Astigarraga, & V. Picasso. 2013. Global versus local environmental impacts of grazing and confined beef production systems. Environmental Research Letters 8:035052
Connolly, J.; T. Bell, T. Bolger, C. Brophy, T. Carnus, J. A. Finn, L. Kirwan, F. Isbell, J. Levine, A. Lüscher, V. Picasso, C. Roscher, M. T. Sebastia, M. Suter, A. Weigelt. 2013. An improved model to predict the effects of changing biodiversity levels on ecosystem function. Journal of Ecology 101:344-55
Dini, Y.; J. Gere; C. Briano; M. Manetti; P. Juliarena; V. Picasso; R. Gratton; L. Astigarraga. 2012. Methane Emission and Milk Production of Dairy Cows Grazing Pastures Rich in Legumes or Rich in Grasses in Uruguay. Animals 2:288-300
Picasso, V.; E. C. Brummer; M. Liebman; P. Dixon; B. Wilsey. 2011. Diverse perennial crop mixtures sustain higher productivity over time based on ecological complementarity. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 26(4): 317–327
Picasso, V.; E.C. Brummer; M. Liebman. 2010. Diversity and stability in experimental grassland communities. Grassland Science in Europe 15: 827-829
Picasso, V.; E.C. Brummer; M. Liebman; P. M. Dixon; B. J. Wilsey. 2008. Crop Species Diversity Affects Productivity and Weed Suppression in Perennial Polycultures under Two Management Strategies. Crop Science 48: 331-342
Books & Book Chapters
Dunn, J.L., J.L. Knowlton, R.M. Handler, E.C. Pischke, K.E. Halvorsen, M. Azahara Mesa-Jurado, T. Selfa, D. Flaspohler, J. Licata. E. Mata, R. Medeiros, C. Moseley, E. Nielsen, V. Picasso, J.C. Sacramento Rivero, T. Souza, C. Vazquez, and N. Basiliko. 2019. Lessons from the Transdisciplinary International BIOPIRE Project. In K.E. Halvorsen, C. Schelly, R. Handler, E. Pische and J.L. Knowlton, Eds., A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. ISBN: 978 1 78811 518 6
Cherney, J.H., R. L. Kallenbach, V. D. Picasso Risso. 2019. Systems for Temperate Humid Areas. Chapter 20. In: Barnes, K.J. Moore, D. Redfearn, M. Collins, J. Nelson (Eds.) Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture. Volume II. 7th (under review)
Cabrera, M.C., L. Astigarraga, O. Borsani, G. Camussi, P. Caputti, M. Carriquiry, P. Chilibroste, M. Ferrer, G. Galván, F. García Préchac, L. Grille, C. Marino, D. Panario, A. Saadoun, P. Soca, V. Picasso, D. Vázquez F. Zaccari. 2017. Uruguay, Food producer for the world: Towards a Sustainable Production from a Food and Nutritional Security Perspective. In: M. T. Clegg (coord.). Food and Nutrition Security in the Americas: A View from the Academies of Sciences. Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences. Mexican Academy of Sciences, Mexico City.
Picasso, V. 2016. Sustentabilidad y resiliencia en sistemas de campo natural. Módulo 6. In: MGAP. Producción animal sostenible en pastoreo sobre campo natural. Montevideo. Uruguay
Astigarraga, L., R. Terra, G. Cruz, V. Picasso. 2015. Interdisciplinary Center in Response to Climate Variability and Change: links science-policy and science-society (in Spanish). UDELAR. Montevideo, Uruguay.124 pp. (ISSN 2301-0835).
Astigarraga, L. and V. Picasso. 2014. Research informing public policy: a case study (in Spanish). in. CIRCVC. Climate variability and change: linking science-policy and science-society. EI, UDELAR, Montevideo.