Resilience to climate change
Perenniality and diversity improve stability and climate resilience of cropping systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA virtual meeting, 2020. VIDEO recording
Resilience and adaptation of forage systems to climate change. Forage Symposium – Quebec, Canada, February 20, 2020
Presentation in English. Presentation in French.
Resilience and Productivity in Integrated Crop and Livestock Systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. 22-25th October, 2017. Tampa, FL, USA. VIDEO recording
Resilience, Stability, and Productivity of Alfalfa in the Midwestern United States. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov. 6-9th 2016. Phoenix, AZ, USA. Video recording
Perennial grain and forage crops
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield and nutritive value of fall-stockpiled tall fescue, meadow fescue, or orchardgrass. ADSA Annual Meeting. June 16-19th 2024. West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Yield and forage quality of dual-use populations of Intermediate wheatgrass intercropped with legumes. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. Oct 29-Nov 1. 2023. St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Managing nitrogen fertility and stand thinning in aging stands of Kernza intermediate wheatgrass to sustain grain yield over time. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. Oct 29-Nov 1. 2023. St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Effect of Kernza straw in forage-based diets on N balance and blood urea-N in dairy heifers. ADSA Annual Meeting. June 25-28th 2023. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Synthetic auxin herbicide effects on Kernza intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) injury and grain yield. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov 6-9th 2022. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Does spring and fall nitrogen fertilization affect Kernza intermediate wheatgrass after five years?. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov 6-9th 2022. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Methane and carbon dioxide production of dairy heifers fed Kernza Intermediate wheatgrass straw mixed with alfalfa haylage and corn silage. ADSA Annual Meeting. June 19-22nd 2022. Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Effect of Including Kernza Straw in Forage-Based Heifer Diet on Methane Production, Yield and Intensity. 8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference. June 5-9th 2022. Orlando, Florida, USA
Performance of beef cows fed Kernza Intermediate wheatgrass straw mixed with alfalfa haylage. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov 7-10th 2021. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Effects of planting date and red clover intercrop on Kernza Intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium). ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov 9-13th 2020. Virtual. Video recording
Agroecological design of perennial polycultures for grain and forage (video). Polycultures and permaculture conference – University of California – Davis, February 6th 2020
Kernza intermediate wheatgrass as an alternative small grain for organic systems. OGRAIN Conference. Madison, WI, USA. January 24-25, 2020. VIDEO
Optimizing Agronomic Management of Kernza Intermediate Wheatgrass As Perennial Grain and Forage Crop. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov. 10-13th 2019. San Antonio, Texas, USA. VIDEO recording
Non-structural carbohydrates in Kernza Intermediate wheatgrass regrowth. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. 22-25th October, 2017. Tampa, FL, USA. VIDEO recording
Weed Suppression in Dual-Purpose Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) Cropping Systems. Joseph Zimbric. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. 22-25th October, 2017. Tampa, FL, USA. VIDEO recording
Vernalization and Photoperiod Requirements for Perennial Grain Crop Intermediate Wheatgrass (Kernza®). Kathryn Ivancic. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. 22-25th October, 2017. Tampa, FL, USA. VIDEO recording
Ecological intensification of livestock systems
Perception of agroecological performance of dairy farms by smallholders in Mexico and Peru. ADSA Annual Meeting. June 16-19th 2024. West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Ecological Intensification of Grazing Dairy and Beef Systems in Uruguay. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov. 6-9th 2016. Phoenix, AZ, USA. Video recording
Sustainability of Meat Production beyond carbon footprint. 60th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. August, 17th – 22nd, 2014. Uruguay. VIDEO, presentation slides and Meat Science paper
Sustentabilidad y resiliencia del campo natural. Curso de Produccion Animal Sostenible en Campo Natural. MGAP. Uruguay. 2013. VIDEO parte 1 VIDEO parte 2